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Business/Work Team

This is an example of how a 5 persons Business/Work Team can benefit from the use of Smart Organizer to arrange its meetings together. We assume that you have already read the page Concepts and Terms and then you are familiar with the basics of Smart Organizer.

Imagine a Team formed by the following people:

  • Morpheus
  • Neo
  • Trinity
  • Tank
  • Switch

Assume that these persons don’t work usually in the same office, because they are based in offices located in different cities or countries, or they often visit customers, or they usually work out of office, whatever you like. Assume even that they need to meet once in a month (but could be week, trimester, when necessary, sometimes, etc. etc.) in order to coordinate their job or actions.

In a scenario like this arrange a meeting all together can be a difficult task using usual means like telephone calls, e-mails, SMSs, social networks and so on, because one says or writes that “any day of week 35 is ok for me“, another that “any day except Tuesday and Friday on that week“, a third that “no way for week 35, is better week 36 but except Monday and Friday” .. a real mess !!

Let’s see how Smart Organizer simplifies everything.

Imagine that Tank subscribes Smart Organizer becoming a user and creates a group named “The Matrix Business Unit” where he is the group master; all the other members of the Team subscribe our site becoming users too; then Tank adds each of them as members to the group “The Matrix Business Unit”. The Organizer page of this group, seen as Tank logged in, looks like this:



Morpheus proposes ( mark_proposal ) a meeting for May 5th, 6th or 8th, avoiding May 7th because Trinity had already marked it as maybe busymark_maybe_busy ):



Tank and Switch mark as freemark_free ) some days:


Now it’s the turn of Trinity, that marks as busy ( mark_busy ) May 6th making it unusable for the group, marks free mark_free ) May 5th and 8th and proposes ( mark_proposal ) May 9th too for the meeting:


In the end Neo inserts his marks, and the day where all can be present is May 8th:



Then the business/work meeting is arranged for Thursday May 8th !

Note how entering into the Organizer page of the group “The Matrix Business Unit” a glance is enough to understand that on May 6th and 7th there are no arrangements for sure with the Team (the day is red), while on May 8th there is a meeting agreed (the day is green). Imagine to reach the same result using telephone calls, e-mails, SMSs or social networks …..

Note even the following advantages:

  • each member of the Team can access the Organizer page in different moments without the need to interact directly with the others, and notify his/her availability or not and proposals;
  • the Organizer page can be accessed anywhere there is an Internet connection available via a desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet, smartphone, and so on;
  • for each day a row condensates all the necessary information intuitively presented, even eventual messages that can provide additional details if necessary;


(P.S.: we do confess that our team created this example inspiring to The Matrix movie, an absolute cult for us. Follow the white rabbit ….. 🙂 )


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