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Usage of Multiple Groups to simplify Every Day Life

This is an example of how the usage of multiple Smart Organizer groups can simplify the organization of your every day life.

Typically in our lives are present more different situations that request our attention and participation, like our family and one or more groups of friends that share interests with us. Managing our time and commitments with them requests to avoid to promise twice the same period of time, for example the same evening to our friends and to our fiancèe, and Smart Organizer can help.

We assume that you have already read the page Concepts and Terms and then you are familiar with the basics of Smart Organizer.


Let’s see how more Smart Organizer groups simplify everything.

Imagine that in your private life you are a musician and member of a musical band that uses the group named “Chips and Cola and R’n’R” on Smart Organizer to arrange its commitments like rehearsals, gigs and events.

A typical screenshot of this group could be the following:


But imagine even that at the same time you are in love, than you have the exigence to arrange some time with your fiancèe too, and to do this you use the group named “Two hearts and an attic in N.Y.” (so romantic, isn’t it ? 🙂 ) on Smart Organizer.

A typical screenshot of this group could be the following:


You are member of two groups, and use the group “Chips and Cola and R’n’R” to manage your commitments with the band and give and take information interactively with the other members, while use the group “Two hearts and an attic in N.Y.” to manage your time with your fiancèe.

Smart Organizer provides an automatism that helps you avoiding to commit the same day in more than one group, the indication of days marked as committed in another group. The indication is given as a blinking busy mark with a fuchsia background:


appearing on each day that you have marked with proposal or free marks in another group that you are member of, temporary overlapping your marks in the group that you are editing now. You can see some examples of this automatism looking together at the groups mentioned above:


Since in the group “Chips and Cola and R’n’R” you have marked as free Wednesday 26th August and proposal Sunday 30th August they are indicated as committed in another group in the group “Two hearts and an attic in N.Y.”. On the other side, since in the group “Two hearts and an attic in N.Y.” you have marked as free Saturday 29th August it is indicated as committed in another group in the group “Chips and Cola and R’n’R”.


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